In our latest hunting adventure, we embarked on an exhilarating day with our enthusiastic Danish client. The source of his excitement was the existence of a legendary ibex with a single horn, likely over 15 years old. Eager to fulfill our client’s dream, we set out in search of this natural treasure.

Unexpected Obstacles

The morning began full of hope, but our optimism faded upon reaching the designated area and discovering a sports trail event with over 500 participants. Despite this setback, we decided to persist, having sighted the elusive ibex in the same week on multiple occasions before. However, this time, our sought-after ibex was nowhere to be found.

After spending hours observing without any news, we descended to the village to recharge and discuss the plan for the afternoon. The strategy was clear: one last attempt, but this time we would split up to cover more ground.

As the afternoon passed without any sign of our desired ibex, at the last moment, we decided to head to a remote canyon as a final option.

Mysterious Encounter

Like a ghost on the mountaintop, a peculiar ibex with an unusual facial feature appears, capturing our attention. Intrigued by a strange appendage hanging from its face, we used the spotting scope and confirmed that we were in the presence of one of the rarest ibexes we had ever seen. Without hesitation, we took our positions and prepared to hunt.

A Trophy in the Dark

After a perfect shot, we managed to hit the male, but it ran downhill, and nightfall descended upon us. Driven by the excitement of having found the ibex, we used our flashlights and descended to get a closer look at one of the most extraordinary ibexes in recent years.

Congratulations, Anders! This ibex is a lifetime trophy.