Many people may think that hunting for white rhinoceros is a crime. I don’t have a doubt that the majority will believe so. It can be added the criticism of those who are unaware of this issue. It seems normal, but ignorance blinds many who rush to give their opinion without knowing what they are talking about.
Sometimes, we are the reflection of the media, and incessantly repeat what they want to tell us. Ignorance is bold and wicked. We speak of what we do not know and in turn, we hurt others with our comments.
Experience at first hand
As a professional hunting lover, I would like to share my own experience hunting white rhinos.
At the end of May, I accompanied a client to South Africa for his hunt for white rhinos. It was a truly unique and enriching experience, which gave me first-hand knowledge about the situation of the conservation of these species.
Flying to South Africa
We flew to Johannesburg, and after many hours of flight, several connections, and hours by car, we finally reached the hunting area.
I was surprised by the significant number of police and security guards who protected the area from poachers and possible organized gangs, who could attack us to steal the valued rhinoceros’ horn. On the black market, it could be sold for around one hundred thousand dollars depending on the size.
After passing the escort barrier, the authorities and high officials of the area were waiting for us, from regional representatives to the director of the Reserve and the forest rangers. They would accompany us during the hunt. The hunter took approximately fifteen minutes to sign all the documents and formalize what would be an unforgettable experience.
The director of the Reserve/Park carried with him a syringe with the chip numbered by the authorities, which would have to be inserted into the horn of the killed rhinoceros, inscribing on it the registration number provided by the Ministry of the Environment.
Hunting white rhinos
The longing began to stalk once the bureaucratic procedures were finished.
The adrenaline woke up then and was increasing whit each stealthy step that brought us closer to that three-ton beast that we were stalking. The armed security guards always accompanied us until the end of the hunt, inserting the chip inside the horn and registering the corresponding registration number.
There is great control and exhaustive conservation work behind the hunting of the white rhino. Limited permits are granted for this hunting and the commercialization of these permits helps maintain the expensive maintenance expenses caused by the protection of this species.
It takes a lot of staff to protect these animals from poaching on a daily basis, in addition to their maintenance and care. No government or association provides any economic aid to its maintenance, only the farmer who day after daycares for the species and invests his time and money in its maintenance, and on the other hand, the hunter pays for a permit and contributes to the conservation of the species.
A rhinoceros can live more than 70 years; its maintenance is incalculable, starting with the lives of the people who have been killed by poachers while carrying out their work of monitoring and protecting these animals. It is necessary to hunt some of the oldest copies to help maintain the others, no environmental association sends money to these farmers to help conserve this species.
Hunting is conservation and if there is a hunter willing to pay for species, that animal won’t be in danger of extinction. If a species in the world has a certain value, it will be protected.
To all those who like to talk and even insult the hunter, I would like to tell you that it is effortless to talk from the comfortable sofa at home with a full stomach, but without contributing from your pocket to collaborate with the conservation of the rhinoceros or any other species cataloged in danger of extinction.
I want to conclude my story by saying we had a great hunting experience, with all the respect that the rhinoceros conservation, and by thanking all the people who made this adventure possible, especially the farmer willing to do anything to conserve the White Rhino species.
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