Dear GSCO Outfitter/Exhibitor:
We sincerely hope you and your family are doing well and staying healthy during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The GSCO board and staff are working hard to do whatever we can to help ease the pain and suffering caused by the pandemic. GSCO is deeply concerned with the many disruptions and economic impacts that are being experienced by our outfitters, other exhibitors and members. We are all in this together. GSCO believes that by pulling together we can and will make a difference as we work our way through these unprecedented times.
We have been encouraging our members to work with their outfitters and rather than cancel or postpone a hunt, consider the plight of the outfitters and work together for a smooth transition to re-schedule their existing hunt, wherever it may be … and to use this time while we are all hunkered down in our homes to schedule a future hunt.
The theme of the 2021 GSCO Hunter & Outfitter Convention (January 20-23 in Las Vegas) will be Together We Triumph. If it sounds familiar, it should! We used that same moniker once before, but nothing is more compelling than the truth, especially during these difficult times. We will be reaching out vigorously to our members and encouraging them to attend our convention and book their hunts with you. If they enjoyed those hunts and lifelong memories made with you in the past, and wish to see their children have the same opportunity in the future, they need to step forward and show their solidarity and support. You will be seeing more about Together We Triumph through our various media outlets and social media platforms.
GSCO and the hunting industry share a special and symbiotic relationship because we work collectively to promote the vision and the reality that “Hunting is the #1 Conservation Tool.”
We would like to hear your thoughts on what GSCO can do to make the convention as appealing as possible to you and our members. You will be hearing more from us about what GSCO is doing to promote our shared vision and to assist you. In the meantime, help us help you understand what it is that GSCO can do to assist you through these challenging times.
We are listing the contact information for the GSCO board and staff. Please do not hesitate to contact any one of us and let us know your thoughts as we plan the 2021 GSCO convention.
Thank you, stay well and be safe.
GSCO Board of Directors
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