Marco Polo Sheep Hunt in Tajikistan

Premier Hunting Adventures with IberHunting


  • Airport: Dusambe

  • Hunting Season: June -October (best date June and July)

  • Duration: 8 days

  • Accommodation: Camp


  • Airport: Khorog (via Dusambe)

  • Hunting Season: September – December, February and March.

  • Duration: 11 days

  • Accommodation: Camp


  • Airport: Dusambe

  • Hunting Season: August – November and February – March. (Best Date Sep -Nov)

  • Duration: 9 days

  • Accommodation: Fly Camps


  • Airport: Dusambe

  • Hunting Season: September – November and February – March. (Best Date Sep to Nov)

  • Duration: 9 days

  • Accommodation: Fly Camps


  • Airport: Dusambe

  • Hunting Season: September – November and February – March. (Best Date Sep to Nov)

  • Duration: 9 days

  • Accommodation: Fly Camps

Marco Polo hunt in Tajikistan

Embark on a Marco Polo sheep hunt in Tajikistan, the smallest of the Central Asian republics, offering exotic destinations and breathtaking landscapes for unparalleled hunting adventures. Surrounded by Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, and China, the smallest of the former Soviet republics in Central Asia. Isolated for centuries and hardly visited by tourists. Tajikistan preserves one of the most mountainous and surprising landscapes in the world, through which the mythical Silk Road used to pass.
With the confluence of East Asia and the Middle East and, therefore, a melting pot of cultures as are other countries in the region, the smallest and most unknown of the republics in the area mixes elements of its neighboring countries.

…where you will find the most remote and beautiful landscapes of Central Asia…

Hunting in Tajikistan, you will have the opportunity to stalk, wait and beat enormous wild boars and to stalk in high mountains the best specimens of Marco Polo Argali, Ibex Pamir, and Ibex from Middle Asia and Markhor and Ibex from Bujara.

Wild boar hunts can be organized with groups of between 3 and 6 hunters. The hunting date is from mid-November to March 30. You can also hunt by stalking and waiting for this we recommend the months of June and July. We stay in comfortable camps with all the amenities located about 200 km from Dushanbe and at an altitude of between 1,400 and 2,500 meters.

Hunting in Tajikistan the Marco Polo

Our Marco Polo sheep hunts in Tajikistan commence in Dushanbe, followed by a journey to the Pamir Mountains near the Chinese border. Hunts occur at elevations between 3,500 and 4,500 meters, with a high population of Marco Polo sheep ensuring a successful experience. For hunting in Tajikistan, is not required to be in excellent physical condition, but we do recommend a prior visit to your doctor to inform you of the altitude at which this hunt will take place. During your Marco Polo sheep hunt in Tajikistan, you’ll stay in well-equipped lodges offering all necessary comforts, including medical attention and reliable communication via radio and satellite phone.

The population of Marco Polo and Ibex Pamir in the area is high, with a high success rate. It is a stalk, and the shooting distance is usually long, between 300 and 600 meters. Over the past two decades, our Marco Polo sheep hunts in Tajikistan have maintained a 100% success rate, with trophy sizes averaging between 54 and 58 inches, and several exceeding 60 inches each season.

Hunter hunting Marco Polo in Tajikistan

An unforgettable Asian adventure to remember!

Mid Asian Ibex

Hunting Mid Asian Ibex in Tajikistan

The Mid Asian Ibex can be found at lower hills and just four hours from Dushanbe. It can be perfectly combined with hunting the Marco Polo and Ibex Pamir. Normally, our clients stop around the Pamir Mountains to finish their program with this beautiful trophy.
South of Tajikistan, in the Khatlon and Gorno-Badakhshan provinces, we find the majestic Markhor of Bukhara. Thanks to conservation programs, the population of Markhor has increased considerably in recent years. Although, it is still preyed upon by the snow leopard, which we will hopefully have a chance to find on our expedition.

If you are interested in combining several species, please contact us, and we will inform you of the best options and dates to do so.

Guided Hunting Trip Tajikistan

December 7 – 16, 2024

Hunter looking for Mid Asian ibex to hunt in Tajikistan
Marco Polo hunting trophy
Hunting area for hunting marco polo in Tajikistan
Hunting Pamir ibex in Tajikistan
Lanscape of the hunting area in Tajikistan
Hunter looking for hunting in Tajikistan
Marco polo hunt
Hunting area in Tajikistan
Hunting in Tajikistan
Landscape Tajikistan
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