Hunting in Pakistan

From the highest mountains in the world to the arid desert

Hunt in Pakistan

Pakistan is a large country with many contrasts. Its landscape is the result of the abrupt collision between two tectonic plates, the Indo-Australian and the Eurasian; this gives rise to three main geographical regions: the northern and western mountains, with the Himalayas, the Karakorum, and the Hindu Kush, the western area formed by arid Baluchistan, a semi-desert plateau crossed by mountain ranges that in some places exceed 3,000 meters in height, high up and south, and finally the rich plains of Punjab and the deserts of Sindh.

Ethnic and cultural mixture

A multitude of cultures from various ethnic groups converge in the country, each one with ancestral cultures and different traditions, but with the same hospitality towards the traveler.

Markhor hunting in Pakistan

Markhor hunting in Pakistan

Nowhere in the world are so many high mountains, peaks and glaciers concentrated as in northern Pakistan. This land of geographical splendor is also home to incredible game species every high mountain hunter’s dream of Blue Sheep, Himalayan Ibex, Astor, and Kashmir Markhor. Hunting in Pakistan takes approximately 10 days and requires good physical shape. The area is accessed by domestic flight to Gilgit and the best time to hunt these species is during the heat, December, and January. We will stay in hotels, camps, and simple shepherds’ shelters, buildings made of stone, and located in the high mountains.
In the southeast of the country, which are flatter and more arid areas to hunt the Sindh Ibex, Punjab, and Blanford Urial, the hunts are more accessible. From 4 to 6 days of travel where the hunter can rest in comfortable houses with access to all services and enjoy the great Pakistani hospitality.

Blue Sheep, Himalayan and Sindh Ibex, Punjab and Blandford Urial, Astor and Kashmir Markhor

More info about hunting in Pakistan


  • Airport: Gilgit (via Islamabad)

  • Hunting Season: October – April (best date Nov – Jan)

  • Duration: 10 days

  • Accommodation: Hotel, fly camp, shepherds Cottages


  • Airport: Karachi (via Islamabad)

  • Hunting Season: November – March (best date Jan – Feb)

  • Duration: 10 days

  • Accommodation: Hotel, fly camp, shepherds Cottages


  • Airport: Gilgit (via Islamabad)

  • Hunting Season: October – April (best date Dec – Jan)

  • Duration: 10 days

  • Accommodation: Hotel, fly camp, shepherds Cottages


  • Airport: Gilgit (via Islamabad)

  • Hunting Season: October – April (best date Dec – Jan)

  • Duration: 10 days

  • Accommodation: Hotel, fly camp, shepherds Cottages


  • Airport: Chitral (via Islamabad)

  • Hunting Season: October – April (best date Dec – Jan)

  • Duration: 10 days

  • Accommodation: Hotel, fly camp, shepherds Cottages


  • Airport: Karachi (via Islamabad)

  • Hunting Season: November – March (best date Jan- Feb)

  • Duration: 4-6 days

  • Accommodation: Luxury houses


  • Airport: Islamadab

  • Hunting Season: November – March (best date Jan-Feb)

  • Duration: 4 days

  • Accommodation: Luxury houses

Guided Pakistan Hunting Trip

March 1 – 10, 2024

Hunting urial in Pakistan
Hunters with guides hunting in Pakistan
Mountains of the Hunting area in Pakistan
Hunting blandfor urial in Pakistan
Mountains of the hunting area in Pakistan
Jerry-Blandford Urial hunt-iberhunting
Jerry-Sindh ibex hunt-1-iberhunting
Urial in Pakistan
Hunters and guides in Pakistan
Landscape of the mountains in Pakistan
Hunting urial in Pakistan
Mountains in Pakistan
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