One more year IberHunting will be attending the GSCO Slam Quest Convention. This hunting show will take place in Las Vegas from January 27th to 29th 2022. Furthermore, IberHunting will be contributing as always, with a donation standing at the diamond level. Because we are happy to give our support to GSCO´s Hunting Conservation efforts.

For this 2022 GSCO hunting show, we have prepared some very special offers for you. So if you visit us at booth #530 you will receive two special offers valid during the convention. Book your appointment with us here.

Grand Slam Club/Ovis

Grand Slam Club/Ovis is an organization of hunter/conservationists dedicated to improving and perpetuating wild sheep and goat populations worldwide, as well as North American big game.

Their members’ pursuits of GSCO’s Slam Quests and award platforms generate tens of millions of dollars for conservation and local economies EVERY year.  GSCO has worked diligently for over 60 years to bring together hunters, outfitters, guides, and service providers